i blog degli altri …
i blog degli altri
Cassandra e i suoi molti impegni
Circa un anno fa, avevo un’amica ed ex collega di harmonyose avventure che si dimostrava molto curiosa dei blog. E parlane oggi e parlane domani, alla fine ruppe gli indugi e decise di aprirsene uno. Io la presentai qui come la circostanza imponeva: una donna che lavora coi libri, che ha figli e famiglia e trova il tempo di aprirsi un blog e riesce pure a scriverci sopra.
In questo ultimo anno Cassandra ha scritto e bene sul blog. Ma non contenta di tutti questi impegni, in questi ultimi mesi se ne è preso un nuovo, il più stimolante e impegnativo possibile: un terzo pargolo in arrivo. Ora è in vacanza, ma se vi va, fatele le vostre congratule e auguratele di riuscire a star dietro a tutto. Blog compreso, possibilmente.
Were on placement now at a top agency, they pay is Okay – but not great. We really enjoy working here as its pretty cool and laacdibk.But we havent been given a proper brief in weeks. It feels like no one trusts the placement teams here to actually produce good work.How can placement teams impress and work hard when there is no work to do? there is only so much pestering we can do…
to really get more organized. I am more than a little excited about this! Yesterday I talked about where to start which is really all about your mindset. Today I am talking about where to start practically in
Yo queria hacer una pregunta, yo vivo en capital pero tengo el domicilio en provincia de Buenos Aires. Todavia no apareci en el padron pero me gustaria saber desde ya, para cuando son las elecciones primarias en provincia de Buenos Aires.Ademas me gustaria saber donde puedo visualizar los padrones electorales de San Nicolas.Desde Ya muchas gracias!!Y respondió el 7 de julio de 2011 a las 19:42:Carolina: Las primarias obligatorias de Buenos Aires son simultáneas con las de la Nación: el 14 de agosto. El padrón es el nacional. A partir del 15 de julio los puede consultar. Si no aparece en el padrón debe
Geez, I really do hate when people try to say their art is manga. I don’t know, I used to be like that, but once I realized, “Hey, wait, the Japanese aren’t as great as everyone thinks once you cut through all the made-up crap and built up image,” I figured I’d appreciate my own blood, my own art, other art, and call sequencial panel stories what they are in English… Comics.Comic just seems to be a more general term, though most anime/manga fans cringe at the word, it’s also vice-versa for saying manga. :/ It’s an akward situation.
Wow, die Schuhe hattest du ja in deinen Videos an, liebe Jasmin! Und da dachte ich mir schon immer: Die sind extrem cool; die würde ich gerne haben. :-)Nicht mehr lange, dann steht das Christkind vor der Tür …L.
I love meeting bloggers, it's always like you already know eachother. That looks like a proper Aladin's cave, and a very fun day out. xx
Anwar HusenAssalamualaikum WR. WB ,Insya Alloh semua berjalan sesuai scedulle dan semua yg berangkat haji khususnya dari PI dan umumnya seluruh umat muslim berada dalam lindunganNYA ,diberi kesehatan ,kelancaran dan menjadi haji yg mabrur , dan keluarga di tanah air juga ada dalam lindunganNYA……aamiin .Insya Alloh sy dan istri berangkat tahun ini dg bimbingan PI , semoga bisa terlaksanakan , manusia hanya berencana tp Alloh lah yang memiliki taqdir.Wassallam,Anwar